Sunday, April 19, 2009

Up to?

Well apart from trying to avoid my birthday tomorrow, which honestly used to be such a joy and is now a dark mark on the horizon to be endured, acknowledged and brushed off with not much to do this year except remember Mum. I've been busy forcing myself to make things to show and sell at this years PWS fewtival of art ( see previous post). here are some quickies that are in the works...
Playscapes - with branch bridge

cave with secret back exit, running water and grassy knoll

Tall tale Tree complete with story...


dottyspots said...

I love your felt landscapes!

KWYM about birthdays, it was mine yesterday and people kept asking what my plans were and seemed rather surprised that they involved staying in and knitting with a bottle of wine (erm, much the same as any night).

I'm planning a foray into York with a friend of mine once she has a Saturday free from work, but that's been on the cards for a while.

~Phaedra~ said...

Happy Belated B day to a fellow Aries! I love York and I'm sure you'll have fun! always ok to follow your heart, even if it's not hallmarky!

dottyspots said...

I'm far more the good company and bottle of wine sort that the wild parties these days :0)

maltagirl said...

i got a bottle with your name on it mama! Happy Birthday! We adore you! Hooray for auntie felt!

we will be crones together:)