Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Il Pleuvait!

Striking deep into the ground and my skeleton, the wash of the wind and rain made all things clear once more. We ventured out and about to see the waves, the beach in the winter is truly an astounding force to feel and the sunsets of late have been painted by the angels themsleves!

I hope dearest beloved, that you are enjoying this watery interlude, the sunny climes are ne'er far from our western shore!

This weeks missions:
  • make seed bombs
  • tidy the garden
  • sort and donate stuff
  • fix the fridge
  • felt the kandinsky....
  • hit the thrift store with abandon

Monday, January 18, 2010


Fighting my emotion, I can only imagine what the residents of Haiti must be experiencing. I know fear, grief and soul wrenching and can almost feel the human devastation from this far off. I am curiously quite prepped for a disaster, carrying with me numerous first aid supplies, food, water, blankets, clothing etc. It's an almost unconscious and ever growing eccentricity that allows me to explore the awful possibilities and how I will help in such an event, as I have before in '94.

I have travelled far and wide, together and alone and know that having some basics to hand and a little training can go a long way. To that end, my challenge for you today will be to ask how you can be more prepared, in strength, not fear or need. Get some first aid training, sign up with an organisation and serve with them, give monetary gifts to those who your heart is with and be at peace with the knowledge that you have the power to make a difference.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Sing to me

I'm pretty sure I posted here only a few days ago, and it seems to have disappeared completely! Here it is again, mainly for my own sanity!

With the wind blowing, 20ft waves just a few days ago and a low of oh, maybe 58 F ( tee hee) we've really hit winter here in La La Land! So to help the seasonal mood, we use a little (a lot) of imagination! With Donovan Boy and Little Gandalf rolling their eyes, in the most good-natured way of course - I am constantly and quite excitedly pointing out that there is snow on those far off mountains! The fastest Queen Winter for school and a rather gentlemanly King Winter for a fellow teacher as a 12th night pressie came to visit to help things along!

Frosty King comes a-knocking at Seeds of Joy!

Just had to share a quick pic of some lovely damp bark, recently 'collected' at Wilderness Park!

Rivers of bark - the first in a new collection!

Some unfinished Goldsworthyesque art in the forest...

New Moon tonight, the Jasmine is particulary strong at night and during a waxing moon...hmmm!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Wass hail! and Happy New Year!

12 Days of Christmas by Amy Evangeline
Had to get one in today. Have you ever wondered how tired you must've been before a holiday comes along and allows you to really sleep all you want? I can't believe how knackered I was/am and have just enjoyed sleeping and dreaming a lot for the past week!

I am of course resolute about many things, but some are actually within grasp I think...

  • Giving up sugar, dairy and wheat for January - ouch!
  • Re-read all the Sherlock Holmes memoirs and stories ( last done 20 years ago!!)
  • See the 38 "7 wonders of the world" ..3 down, maybe another later this year!
  • Do a wine/art tour of Italy...I can see if this years' anniversary turns into a honeymoon can't I?
  • Renovate my kitchen
  • See some Shakespeare, and maybe play some too!
  • Complete my Getty garden series!
  • Teach my kids 5 new card games - so they'll never be bored travelling
  • Drive across the U.S and make a collection of something whilst doing it.
  • Finish a large art piece

Summer at the Getty Gardens

Winter at the Getty Gardens

What's on your 2010 list?