Thursday, April 9, 2009


Mostly borrowed from Farmers Almanac:

First Day of Passover
Passover or Peasach is a week long festival commemorating the exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt and slavery. The experience of the exodus is told in story, song, prayer, and the tasting of symbolic foods. Matzo is eaten in place of bread for the whole week, we like to spread honey or avocado on ours!! It's a great opportunity to dig deeper in any religious education be it yours or another faith!

Various spring maidens sprouting their symbolic beauty

The Full Pink Moon
This full Moon heralded the appearance of the grass pink, or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon. Time to explore the heavens once again and plant away in your prepped garden! The moon planting rule says to plant crops that produce above the ground during the increasing light of the moon (from new moon to full moon) and to plant crops that produce below the ground during the decreasing light of the moon (from full moon to new moon).
some whimsical pics from local gardens

April 12 – Easter
Easter is the Christian holy day that celebrates the resurrection of Christ after his crucifixion. Easter may have derived its name from the Saxon goddess Eostre, whose feast was celebrated each spring at about this time. Or, it may have derived from the word, oster, meaning "rising."
Student working from last week's Faberge Felted Egg class

So which are you? We celebrate all of the above just to be sure we don't miss anything and rise to the occasion of Spring in it's fullest! Huzzah!

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