Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dirty Gerty

My crystal ball's been hazy this year, I'm not proud of this years' crops so far, we can only hope for a better future!

I see more digging, compost and filthy hands, certainly the highlight so far has been the small but delicious corn grown in the easement, the toms are practically sticking out tongues in defiance of ever fruiting properly and the cukes, well they evidently need more water and love and now I feel guilty of giving them too little...bad garden mama.

The upsides are my first year of raspberries - after waiting two years for the darn thing to even pretend it was alive and the gophers have left alone the onions!

So off to the mountains we go for a few days of reading, bird and deer spotting and maybe even some fishing! Ah...but until then, the to do list grows longer...

from this...

to these!

Ha HA! this is not my garden....yet!

I think I spot a fairy...

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