The gopher hunt is on, chasing with non-violent communication is all well and good, but honestly I could bop em sometimes! My two year old parsley bushes were scoffed, leaving just a gaping hole where the greenery once was. I chopped back the other herbs that had thankfully been spared for now and tucked them in safely to a nearby bed - this one is protected by a giant subterreanean wire fence that precludes all pesky visitors.
So with a great sigh and a huge shovel I set to work to create the same force field of wire in the hex bed, which now has some lovely older and new roots of strawberries that may be lovingly tended to feed the squirrels!
the mish mosh of wire - I left the bloody fingers pics behind..

Well, it's been while since I've had anything to show for my poor garden. The weather here in California has been somewhat topsy-turvy recently, 90 one day, 6o's the next few, then back to 80's. I think we've been in the pool more than the garden!! However, today it rained, not just a peasly drizzle all day but lovely big drops in between regular showers - YEE HA!!! ( told you I like talking about the weather!)
So what do we have so far: beds of wildflowers and bulbs that are peeking out already; onions; potatoes; radishes; carrots, lettuce, peas, fennel, rosemary, cilantro, basil, oregano lavender and it looks like the lovely chamomile will be back for an encore this year too - yay more tea!! Oh, yep of course the peppermint is locked and plopped outside the main herby bed, to travel it's own course, which I'm sure it will!! I shouldn't leave out the bolting broccali, hrumph. At least I'll get some seeds for my efforts *sigh*
lettuce leaves are showing signs of life..
red and yellow onions are reaching for the sky
da herbs are doing quite nicely after jumping beds...
last years saved peas are popping