Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Abba New Year!

I know it's silly, out of date and bang in the middle of glam rock land, but I really do like the old Abba song, see what I'm talking about or just to see my most cheesy side of life... terrible in a good way - sort of...

I'll need to check but I think my one year blogaversry is coming up so I'll have to redo the list and face the consequences from 2008..tee hee. Hope yours truly is better than 2008 was for so many people around the world and will continue to be.

I'm looking forward to writing dates with hubby, felting dates with friends and playdates with my kids. Better health is always good to strive for and the possibility of starting another hobby or skill to keep the brain trained!

Splash the bubbly, pop the poppers and make merry for Wassail! ( more on that soon)

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