Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Great Balls of Wool!

So, for the second and probably not the last installment of Taos Two... If you are ever in Taos please do stop by the Hotel De Fonda right in the middle of the plaza. It's the oldest place in town and has the famous & and most controversial collection of naughty paintings a la D.H Lawrence and because I am sworn to be PG rated here, I'll just give ya a peek...

Of course at the time (1927-ish) all the rags in London were publishing the pics in splendid, full colour, quoting, " Outrageous, disgusting and pure pornography". While probably all true I'm relieved that we have come a long way since then, with art publishing and whilst the paintings may not be up to technical par, the shots at poor D.H. and consequential banning of all his artwork on the shores of Blighty still hold to this day. Amazing.

The oh-so-sore-feet padding around, fields, shops and of course, (watering holes) galleries, were too much. But onward we soldiered, to reach the town plaza and wondering what all the noise was. We found a drum circle which in itself wasn't out of place but it turned out to be a huge Obamanos rally!

I think this little alien dude (by Ayala) stole me away for a time.... More sleep, less to do or remember may solve my many excuses for being unproductive, forgetting my fav Dragonfly girlies craft night and ditching all but the necessary grocery list duties...

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