Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fe Fi Fiona!

Gosh, what a busy time it's been lately...phew. Gnome school is out forever - oops I mean for the Summer and the kids are giddy with anticipation at all the exciting 'Camp Cheydleur' fun and games we have planned, from beach camping, pool play dates and big-day-out trips to teacher training, cub scout activities and workshops!

Which brings me to a start of a summer impromptu workshop, with no other than the delightful Fiona Duthie, who's informal titles include: contributing editor of Living Crafts mag; gypsy fiber art goddess, homeschooler and altogether quite awesome person ( yes I made that one up!).
The long beach ladies of the realm gathered last evening to hear the wise words of the storyteller and then begin to create characters for the stories - then this morning at the crack of dawn - ok it was only 9am, but you know me... - we were off to wet felt our storytelling mat. I won't bore you with the de tails but only to say that Donovan Boy and Little Gandalf were most impressed by the volcanic mountain and rainbow waterfall in my mat ( not actually complete yet) and already have desires to tell their own stories, so it worked!! Thank you Fiona, I hope our paths cross again soon!

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