Friday, January 6, 2012

Good Health to all this 2012!!

What a busy busy time the end of 2011 was, with so many festivals, faires and relatives coming and going since Thanksgiving! We are so thankful to have been able to host all our visitors and will now say adieu to the Admiral who has found another ship to stay on!! (But I'm sure the wafting cooking smells will lure him back sometimes....)

Once again we will Wassail tonight with all those who dare to join us for the hot bowl of apple cider, a little spice and some getting rid of all the chocalate left in the house!! Every year we clear out all the sugar on Jan 5th/6th and stay off it until at least Feb 14th! by the time the second week comes around I can safely say that cherries and strawberries are so darn sweet, I can hardly believe it!

For those who care to know what on earth Wassail is...please listen to this carefully......enjoy!

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