Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Rounds

As I move through July in a maze of birthdays, gray skies and limited time to ponder the world or relax, I wonder about the shape of things to come, how they morph and how I may meet them in the future.

Donovan Boy reached the grand age of 11 today. Last eve, we retold his beautiful birth story, I stayed up until 1.06am, fave foods of spaghetti and choc pudding pie were on the menu, a big day out with friends, where we were freaked out by some ancient mummies from around the world and all culminated in a final bloody battle of a 3 day old God Storm Risk!!

Today is about loving ...
my silver hair
my mothers voice far away, singing
family - and friends are that too
an answer to a question....please.

Ya know, Thursday's are the worst ( unofficial) traffic days, have you noticed too?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Campers at the Phoenix Academy Summer arts program spent their days walking in imagination filled nature, singing silly songs, playing games and engaging in artistic endeavours each day. With budget cuts slashing even the programs in schools, that are supposedly arts-integrated, the children lapped up the painting, collage, sculpting, wet felting pictures and cooking! Held together with a unique Super Me! game, and as much swimming our poor cold bodies could bear in this abominable atmospheric condition California is trying to call 'Summer', we all had loads of fun!

Now I am gearing up for the next intensive - but splendid - week of Eurythmy with WISC (Waldorf Institute of Southern California) with the hope that I can also pull off starting and completing successfully, a UCLA early childhood course during the next 9 weeks.

So long summer vacation!