Friday, May 10, 2013

Not just a Sunday

Mothers Day. Some years I dread it, others I try to ignore it altogether ( UK version is in March), but this one feels different. I cannot call her, see her, smell her or touch her anymore, however I will choose to honour her, remember her, forgive her and love her. Shirley Anne Morris gave me many lovely childhood memories, was horrible at telling jokes, but always made us laugh with her  willingness to act out, sing too loudly in the car and pull silly faces. She gave me life against many odds, kept me safe and loved me when it was hard to do so, thank you Mum.

I am happy to light a memorial candle for you Mum and day dream about the happy days and maybe this year I will be able to see your face, smell your skin, hear your voice and remember your touch through my dreams and inner quiet.

That will be a Mothers Day gift indeed.

Mum and Quinn in the garden 197 something....

Happy after Rossi's faces!

Donovan Boy and Phoenix dance at the Temple Bar

Little Gandalf and Phoenix in Topanga
May Faire pic for Mum by Muppes